
Hjältar & Idoler

Egen hjälte/hjältinna/idol

1. Skriv allt du redan vet i tankekarta eller punktform(stödord)
2. Vad behöver du ta reda på? Skriv som frågor i tankekartan eller punkterna.
3. Leta reda på den fakta du behöver. Skriv in svaren i tankekartan eller punkterna.
4. Skriv i hop som en hel text. Titta bara på tankekartan/stödorden.


1. Flaskposten

Att omarbeta:

1. Har du punkt och stor bokstav på rätt ställen?

2. Har du berättat om vägen till stranden?
  • Vad är det för miljö?
  • Skog?
  • Äng?
  • Är det en grusväg?
  • Asfalterad väg?
  • Stig?
  • Vad känner man för lukter?
  • Vilka ljud hör man?
3. Har du berättat om vad det är för en slags strand?
Vid en sjö?
Vid ett hav?
Finns det öar i vattnet utanför?
Är det andra människor på stranden?
Ser man några båtar? Hurdana?

2. Stormen

Att omarbeta:

1. Har du punkt och stor bokstav på rätt ställe?
2. Har du styckeindelat texten?

3. Vad är det för båt ni får tag i?
    Motor? Rodd? Segel?
4. Hur ser båten ut? Storlek? Färg? Material?
5. Vad tänker/känner ni när ni ger er av?
6. Berätta hur stormen börjar.
    Blir det mulet? Kallare? Regnar det?
7. Berätta om hur havet/sjön/vågorna ser ut.
    Färg? Storlek? Liknar/påminner vattnet om något?
8. Vad hör ni för ljud i stormen? Hur känns vattnet?
9. Vad tänker/känner ni i stormen?
10. Hinner ni tänka något när ni ramlar i vattnet? Vad?


Liten julnovell

1.       Hur hade Bettan fått pengar till middagen hon och Benny åt?

2.       Varför hade de känt sig utstirrade när de först kom till varuhuset?

3.       Vad heter varuhuset?

4.       Varför bygger de upp ett mysigt hem på lagret, tror du?

5.       Varför stänger väktaren av larmet och tyst önskar dem god jul?

6.       Vad är en god gärning? Ge så många exempel du kan.

7.       Har du gjort någon god gärning någon gång? Berätta om det.

8.       Om du kunde, vilken god gärning skulle du då göra och för vem/vilka?


Harry & Kylie- A Christmas Dialouge

1.     Read the dialouge(text) in pairs

2.     Write 10 of the words in your notebook on the ipad or in etc.

3.     Write sentences with the words you picked.

4.     Find the questions in the text, write them down and then answer them yourself.(if it’s possible)

5.     Describe the picture to a friend.


2. Skriv 10 viktiga fakta om vargen
3. Läs artikeln och svara på frågorna som kommer efter texten.
4. Skriv vad du själv tycker om vargar och om/hur/var de ska få finnas. Maila texten till mig och din svensklärare.


En ovanlig dag
- Av Bo R Holmberg

1.     Hur går det för Benny i skolan? Ge exempel från texten som visar det.

2.     Hur ser en vanlig morgon i Bennys liv ut?

3.     Vad är det för årstid? Hur vet man det?

4.     Berätta något om däckverkstan?

5.     Vad tänkte/kände du när du läste novellen?

6.     Kan du på något sätt känna igen dig i Benny? Hur?

7.     Finns det några likheter mellan Benny och Arne? Vilken/vilka?

8.     Vad i novellen tycker du särskilt mycket om? Varför?

9.     Vad vet du om huvudpersonen Benny?

10.  Vad tycker du om hans lärare Melker? Arne?

11.   Vad tror du författaren vill säga om med sin berättelse?


Work by yourselves:
1. Answer the questions in tbp 67 (textbook page 67)
2. Ex 1 in wbp 66( workbook page 66)
3. Ex 2a  wbp 66
4. Ex 4 wbp 68. Words from tbp  68-69 or the wordlist on tbp 143.
5. Ex 3a or b wbp 67
6. Pick out 15 words from the wordlists on tbp 67 and tbp 143. Write them somewhere, but preferably(helst) on or another similar( liknande) app.
7. Wbp 72 ex 10
8. Wbp 72 ex 11
9. Wbp 75 ex 15

Write a Ghost/spooky Story
Sign up for free- ta användarnamn och lösenord som du kommer i håg. Skriv upp dem någonstans.

Spooky words

lurk ligga på lur

stairway trappa

ancient uråldrig

skull dödskalle

abandoned övergiven

mist dimma
branch gren

spooky kusligt, spöklikt
uncanny kusligt

rattle skramla
glance snegla

ghoul vålnad
whining gnällande

spectre vålnad
shiver rysa

haunted hemsökt
path stig

chain kedja
curious nyfiken

turn white blekna
howl yla
cemetery kyrkogård
frighten skrämma
basement källare
attic vind (på hus)
kista chest
draperi/gardin curtain
likkista coffin
ghost spöke
witch häxa
skeleton skelett

bat fladdermus
night natt

web spindelnät

vampire vampyr

scary läskig

werewolf varulv
grave grav



Love story with a dice:

1. Beach
2. Park
3. Shopping center
4. Under a tree
5. Bed
6. Fair

1. Distance
2. Religion
3. Parents
4. Language
5. War
6. Sickness/disease

Thing/ object
1. Ring
2. Diary
3. photo
4. cuddly toy
5. sweater
6. cell phone

1. birds
2. trafic
3. children
4. vacuum cleaner
5. wind
6. music

1. fart
2. flower
3. mold(mögel)
4. gas/petrol
5. sea/ocean
6. forest


The Notebook
1. Write the words for homework. Don't forget the Swedish translation!
Ferris wheel
Fooling around
You are getting me wrong
Not since
Pay attention

2. Answer the questions and email the answers to me:
a. Why is Noah so brave  when he wants Allie?
b. What is stopping Allie in the beginning?
c. Why is there such an akwardness at familylunch when Noah tells how much he earns at the lumber yard?
d. What obstacles(hinder) for love could there possibly be today?
e. Give two reasons why Noah reads poetry?
f. Why do you thinkn there are so many birds in the movie?


Week 13

1. Write the words for homework
2. Ex A
3. Ex B
4. Ex C
5. Ex D
6. Ex E
7. Ex G
8. P. 80 Ex E



Week 6-7 
Bear or endangered animal

Brown bear
Sun bear
Spectacled bear
Sloth bear
Polar bear
Kodiak bear
Kermode bear( spirit bear)

  • The Animal's Name: What does its name mean? Sometimes this will tell you something important or interesting about the animal. For example, platypus means "flat-footed." For some animals, there are special names for a baby, a male, a female, or a group
  • Anatomy/Appearance: What does your animal look like? How big is it? What shape is its body? What does an average one weigh? 
  • Locomotion: Can your animal move? If so, how does your animal move (does it walk, fly, jump, burrow, etc.)? Is it slow-moving or fast-moving? Why is this important to its survival? For example, most fast-moving animals are fast so that they can catch dinner (like the cheetah) or avoid becoming dinner (like the deer).
  • Diet: What does your animal eat and how does it get its food? Is it an herbivore (plant eater), carnivore (meat eater), omnivore (eating meat and plants), or something else? Is there something unusual in the way your animal eats? (For example, the flamingo sieves its food from mud while its head is upside down under the water.) Where is your animal in the food web(is it a top predator, like the grizzly bear, is it at the base of the food web, like krill, or is it somewhere in the middle)?
  • Habitat and Range: What type of biome does this animal prefer (does it live in the desert, swamp, tundra, deep sea, coral reef, tropical rainforest, pond, or other habitat)? Where in the world does it live? List the continent(s), country/countries, and/or smaller areas that it lives in.
  • Life Cycle/Reproduction: Give information on the animal's life cycle and reproduction. For example, in the case of insects, list and describe each stage in the process of their metamorphosis. For a species of shark, describe whether it bears live young or lays eggs.
  • Behavior: Describe interesting features of your animal's behavior. For example: Is there evidence of herding or is it a solitary animal? Does it burrow underground? Does it hibernate, estivate, or migrate in cold weather? Is it nocturnal (most active at night)?
  • Defense/Offense: How does it defend itself (and/or attack other animals)? Does it use teeth, fangs, claws, armor, horns, antlers, pincers, poison, a stinger, muscles, a strong smell, and/or something else?
  • Enemies: What animals eat or otherwise kill your animal? For example, for caterpillars, birds eat caterpillars, but wasps also lay their eggs in the caterpillars (and this eventually kills the wasp's unwilling host).
  • Species Survival Status: Is this animal species in danger of extinction? If so, why? Has it lost habitat, lost a food source, or has it been overhunted?
  • Something Special: Is there anything special about this animal? This can often be the best part of the report, taking you off on interesting topics. For example, are there legends about the animal?

Week 4-5

Work During Class:
1. Read the text in pairs.
2. Write the words for homework.
3. Answer the questions below.
4. Fill in the fact card. ( paper from Ulrika)
5. Grammar papers.
6. Write sentences with the words for homework.

Spirit Bears

1. Why is the Spirit Bear White?
2.What did Simon Jackson do already as a teenager?
3. Where does this bear live?
4. Why are there so few of them left?
5. What does this bear deserve according to Jackson?

Words for Homework, Thursday 6th of February:

rare- sällsynt
relation- släkting
create- skapa
remind- påminna
destroy- förstöra
lumber- virke
protect- skydda
wilderness- vildmark
deserve- förtjäna
take a stand- ta ställning
issue- fråga, sak



Week 3-4


Homework for Thursday the 23d:

bruin- nalle, björn

join- ansluta sig, komma med
afterwards- efteråt
from then on- från och med då
rough- tuff, hård
padding- skydd
goalie- målvakt
stick- klubba
helmet- hjälm
nowadays- nuförtiden
visor- visir
protect- skydda
injury- skada
several- flera
beat, beat, beaten- slå
scoring record- poängrekord
earn- tjäna


Öppet Hus

Grizzly Mom, Teaching Cubs

salmon- lax
paw- tass
cubs- ungar
teeming- kryllar av
nab- hugga, gripa, ta
current- stem, fors

Grizzly Hunts with Nose

ferocious- vildsint, blodtörstig
scent- doft
carcass-  kadaver, djurlik
odour- doft, lukt
slip up, dabba sig, göra fel
leanest- magraste

Week 2-3

1.     Write the words for homework
2.     Read the text about Canada, also under the pictures.
3.     Answer the questions about Canada.
4.     Ex A in the paper
5.     Ex B in the paper, email the text to Ulrika

Words for Homework, Thursday the 16th of January:

1.     Population- befolkning
2.     Square kilometres- kvadratkilometer
3.     Inhabitants- invånare
4.     Divided- delat
5.     Per cent- procent
6.     Covered- täckt
7.     Consisting- innehåller
8.     Pines- tallar
9.     Settlement- bosättning
10. Inuit- inuit, grönländare
11. Native- ursprungs-
12. 16th century- 1500talet
13. traders- handelsmän
14. furs- pälsar
15. independent- självständigt
16. salmon- lax

Questions to the text:

1.     How big is Canada compared to Europe?
2.     Which official languages do they speak?
3.     What is the name of the capital?
4.     Describe the nature.
5.     Who was the first people in Canada?
6.     When did he country become independent?
7.     What popular sport was invented in Candada? When?


Words for homework thursday the 21t:

  1. still- fortfarande
  2. moment- ögonblick
  3. murderer- mördare
  4. pretend- låtsas
  5. twist- vrida
  6. firmly- bestämt, strängt
  7. lower- sänka
  8. argt- angrily
  9. partly- delvis
  10. school caretaker- skolvaktmästare
  11. temper- humör
  12. rude- oförskämd

1. Are some parts of this city considered more dangerous than others? Which parts?
2. Do you always lock your house? 
3. Do you believe that public executions would deter crime? If so, how?
4. Do you know anyone who has been mugged?
5. Do you know someone who has been a victim of a violent crime?
6. Do you think gun control is a good idea? Explain.
7. Do you think police TV dramas are realistic?
8. Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?
9. Do you think that the death penalty would prevent crime in your country? Why or why not?
10. Do you think that the legalization of narcotics would decrease the crime rate?
11. Do you think there will be more or less crime in the future?
12. Do you think your country is a safe place to live? Why or why not?
13. Do you walk alone at night in your home city?
14. Does prison help rehabilitate criminals? Should it?
15. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? How about others in your family?
16. Have you ever had anything stolen?
17. Have you ever seen a crime?
18. Have you ever stolen anything?
19. How can you avoid having things stolen from you?
20. If a person steals a loaf of bread because he needs to feed his starving family, should he be punished?
21. Is it ever O.K. to break the law? If so, when?
22. Is prison an effective punishment? Why or why not?
23. Is there a problem with organized crime and/or gangs where you live?
24. Is your hometown considered safe?
25. Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?
26. What are some things that are legal that you personally think should be illegal?
27. What crimes do you think will decrease in the future?
28. What crimes do you think will increase in the future?
29. What crimes have you heard about recently in the news?
30. What do you think is the worst crime a person could commit? Why?
31. What kinds of crimes do you think can be prevented? How?
32. What makes some people become criminals? Is it poverty, upbringing, lack of education, unemployment or something else?
33. What would you do if you heard a burglar in your house?
34. Who decides what is and isn't a crime?
35. If your friend has committed a serious crime, how would you act?
36. Is downloading music or videos a crime?
37. What's the difference between copyright infringement and theft?

Under what situations would you think of committing a crime?


            I consider myself as a well behaved, non violent person. I like my home and my belongings and get upset when someone isn’t careful with my stuff, or even worse if they steal from me. But even if it is so I have to admitt that I would be a criminal in some situations.

            For example if a person threatens my husband or children I guess I wouldn’t hesitate to kill him or her if I had the chance.Or if I needed food or medication for my family I would easily steal thatIt´s like one of my students said- If its a question on life or death, its ok.
            Because of that I hope that I easier would forgive a person who steals from me if he or she has ”the right” purposesI also wish that society would give less punishment if the crimes are committed under these circumstances.
            I think it’s easy to judge people who commits crimes but when you think of yourself as a possible future criminal it makes you more humle.
17/10 Bristol Murder, by Philips Prowse

Words for Homework Thursday the 7th of November:

  1. lorry- lastbil
  2. as soon as- så snart som
  3. allow- tillåta
  4. medium height- medellängd
  5. average height- medelvikt
  6. robbery- rån
  7. reply- svara
  8. anxiously- oroligt
  9. cherfully- glatt
  10. jersey- tröja
  11. hitch-hiking - lifta
  12. counter- disk
  13. argument- gräl
  14. instead- i stället
  15. encouraging- uppmuntra
  16. interupt- avbryta
  17. engine- motor
  18. coat- rock
  19. in order to- i avsikt att

Police arrest a coconut

Words for homework:

election- val
suspicious- misstänkt
voters- väljare
voting- rösta
decide- bestämde, avgjorde
contained- innehöll
prank- busstreck,
aware- medveten
message- budskap
claims- påstod
refused- vägrade
government- revering
illegal- olaglig, illegal
caused- orsakade
issue- problem, fråga

1. Synonym match:

a. full                               1. allow
b. change                       2. problem
c. suspicious                 3. imitation
d. verse                          4. trick
e. fake                            5.dishonest- looking
f. joke                             6. filled
g. let                               7. unlawful
h. ill                                8. affect
i. illegal                          9. sick
j. issue                          10. poem

2. Comprehension questions     
a. What did people think was in the coconut?
b. What did they think the coconut would change?
c. What language did people use to write on the coconut?
d. On what day did the election take place?
e. Who decides the coconut contained no black magic?
f. What did the police say it seemed like?
g.What were the teachers worried about?
h. What did the religious leader say that black magic has become in the Maldives?

3. Coconut discussion

a. What did you think when you read the headline?
b. What do you think about what you read?
c. What questions would you like to ask the arresting police officer?



1. Why are they served breakfast in school?
2. Do you think Jim's reaction when he didn't get any food was fair? Why? Why not?
3. What kind of person is Jim?
4. Why does he and his sister smoke pot?
5. What will happen next? You'll decide what decision he makes and how his life is going to be in the future. Write as a whole text/story and email it to me.


Whose fault was it?

Wbp. 38-39


The Gangster Page

tbp. 54
wbp. 43



10/10  The Blind Side- a review

The reader does not know about these questions or the movie…Write as a whole text!!!!

1.     Why did you watch the movie?
2.     What was the movie about? (just a couple of sentences)
3.     Describe the main characters.( Mike, mrs and mr Tuohy, Collins, SJ and Mike´s birth mother)
4.     What feeling does this movie give you? Why?
5.     Which is your favourite scene? Describe the scene and why it´s your favourite one.
6.     In what aspects has this movie anything to do with health and living a good life? Describe as carefully as possible.
7.     Do you like or dislike the movie. Motivate your answer as carefully as possible.
8.     Do you think the film is important? Why? Why not?

- Homework to Thursday the 17th of October-

Intvent a "Health Drink"

In your groups, which I have formed you'll invent a healthy drink.

You'll have to decide:
  • What ingredients it will contain, 
  • What the bottle will look like(draw a poster)
  • What tagret group you'll want
  • How you'll market your product. (tv/radio commercials, ads in newspaper etc)
  • Make that ad or commercial.


2/9 Coca-Cola

1. Good Stuff C p. 8-9
One question to each part of the text.

2. "Engelsk Stil",also called "Coca-Cola"

  • Read the texts
  • Translate both texts
  • Arrange sentences in order
  • Pick out 15 words for homework (12/9)
3. Make a mind map with coca-cola facts from both texts. USE WORDS FROM HOMEWORK WORDS! Prepare to talk in class.(12/9)


”Fingerlicking Good”

  1. Read the text in pairs
  2. Write the words for homework
  3. Make a mind map about your eating habits: breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks... What you eat, like, dislike etc
  4. Write sentences with the words for homework
  5. chose from:
  • Write a summary. (The article is about...)
  • Make your own survey about health.

Homewok for Thursday the 29th:

god, välsmakande
samtycka, hålla med
pommes stripes
till och med




Läxa till torsdagen den 23:e Maj:

stå: stand-stood-stood
bryta, gå sönder: break-broke-broken
känna sig: feel-felt-felt
hitta, finna: find-found-found
vinna: win-won-won
börja: begin-began-begun

Se till att du kan använda alla formerna i meningar!!!!!!!

Läxa till Torsdagen den 25/4:
Oregelbundna verb(från wbp 132)

  1. ge: give-gave-given
  2. äta: eat-ate-eaten
  3. dricka: drink-drank-drunk
  4. tänka: think-thought-thought
  5. se, träffa: see-saw-seen
  6. kunna, känna: know-knew-known
Se till att du kan använda alla formerna i meningar!!!!!!!



Läxa till tisdagen den 7/5:
oregelbundna verb( från papperna)

1. säga: say-said-said
2. komma: come-came-come
3. ge sig av: leave-left-left
4. sitta: sit-sat-sat
5. skriva: write-wrote-written
6. göra: make-made-made

Se till att du kan använda alla formerna i meningar!


5/3     Shark Project

Start with: and search for the shark you got.
And after that you’ll search the internet or books for further information. That information can be in Swedish as long as your oral presentation is in English. 

Whale Shark
Great White Shark
Hammerhead Shark
Mako shark
Or your own alternative.

Very important:

Don’t write a whole text. Only keywords/mind map!!!!!!!!!!

 You can use pinnacle, keynote or piccollage when you make your presentation.

What to tell:

  1. Where does the shark live?
  2. What does it eat?
  3. How does it hunt?
  4. Size? Weight? Color?
  5. Other important features(kännetecken)?
  6. Does it lives in packs(flock) or alone?
  7. Is i dangerous to humans(människor)?

Deadline Thursday the 21 of March

ET- A Film Review.

Du MÅSTE låtsas att den som ska läsa din recension varken har sett filmen eller de frågor som du ska ha som hjälp när du gör recensionen. Det ska bli en HEL text men med styckesindelning. Lämplig sådan är att det du skriver på varje punkt utgör ett stycke.

1.       When and why did you see the movie?
2.       What is the movie about? (about 10 sentences)
3.       Who are the main characters? Describe them.
4.       Are there any “bad guys” in the film? Who? Why?
5.       Do you find the movie realistic? Why? Why not?
6.       What is the message/theme of the movie?
7.       Do you like the movie or not? Motivate your answer.


Sharks, Jaws and Shark tales   
·         Read “What the Shark Vomited “in tbp. 62-63

·         Answer the four questions in tbp. 63

·         Read “…About White Sharks” in this paper.

·         Write the words for homework somewhere.

Homework to Thursday 28th of February
·         Workbook p. 110-111

·         Read the text “Jaws” in this paper

·         Write the words for homework somewhere

Homework to Thursday  14th  of Mars
·         “Read and correct”, exercise in this paper

·         “Some or any?”, exercise in this paper

·         “Ten Things You Didn’t Know About White Sharks”, exercise in this paper

·         “Translation crossword”, in this paper

·         “Fill in the gaps”, exercise in this paper.

·         Workbook p. 112-113

·         “Shark attack” , a listening activity which we do together

·         Oral presentation about one species of sharks, you’ll get further information later on.

Presentation on Thursday the 21t of Mars

Homework for Thursday the 28th of February

White shark
Upper jaw
Tin can
Smakbit, tugga

Homework For Thursday the 14th of Mars

Close one’s eyes,
(I close my eyes)
Attackera, anfalla

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