Bokanalys- analysmall

  • Inledning(Till exempel: Varför bör man läsa boken? Handlar den om något särskilt viktigt? kan man lära sig något/förstå något bättre om man läser boken?)
  • Vad heter boken och vem har skrivit den?
  • Vad gjorde att du valde boken?
  • Vad handlar boken om? Berätta om handlingen med några meningar.(5-10 st)
  • Vem berättar historien? Är det personerna som är med i berättelsen? Är det någon som står utanför själva huvudhandlingen? Är det en allvetande berättare?
  • I vilken ordning sker saker och ting? Är det en kronologisk berättelse från början till slut eller rör sig författaren i tiden?
  • Berättas det flera historier samtidigt? Förklara hur du tänker.
  • Vem/vilka är huvudpersoner i boken?
  • Berätta om personernas inre och yttre egenskaper och ge exempel ur boken som visar hur du har tänkt. 
  • Är det någon relation mellan, tex mamma-barn, kompisar, barn-vuxen, i boken som är särskilt viktig? Vilken ? Varför?
  • I vilken tid utspelar sig handlingen? Hur märker man det? Ge exempel ur boken som visar hur du har tänkt.
  • Hur ser miljön ut där huvudpersonerna bor och lever? Ge exempel ur boken som visar hur du har tänkt.
  • Berätta om en scen i boken och varför du valde den.
  • Dra paralleller(jämför) till andra böcker, filmer eller något du själv upplevt.
  • Beskriv författaren berättarteknik. Skriver författaren lättläst/svårläst, modernt/gammaldags, dialog/beskrivande, dialekt?

  • Varför tror du att boken heter som den gör?
  • Vad kan man lära sig av boken?
  • Förklara hur boken förändrat ditt sätt att tänka och varför.
  • Vad tycker du om boken och varför?
  • Avslutning(Till exempel: avslutningsvis, till sist, sammanfattningsvis)







Utslängd- L.A Weatherly
Kapitel 1

1. Vad är du bra på?
2. Vad är det för problem Luke har i skolan? Kan du känna igen dig i något? Vad? Hur?
3. Hur tänker du kring Pollys bemötande av sin son?
4. Skriv kort vad texten handlar om.
5. Vad tror du kommer att hända med:
a) Luke?
b) Polly?
6. Har det dykt upp några frågor/funderingar kring texten? Vad/vilka?
7. läs: och skriv några rader som visar att du vet vad ett HVB-hem är.

Kapitel 2
1. Vad skulle DU har tagit med dig om du
 var tvungen att fly hals över huvud?
2. Vad betyder "Hals över huvud"?
3. Vart hade DU tagit vägen om du blev utslängd av dina föräldrar?
4. Vad är det för ställe Dave, Luke och de andra sover på? Beskriv med några meningar.
5. Vem tror DU "Big John" är?


Kapitel 3
1. Berätta lite om följande personer:
a. Luke, Gemma, Mr King(Lärare), Big John och Polly. Försök hitta någon rad som "bevisar" att det du skriver är sant.
2. Hur beskrivs Big Johns ögon när han tvingar Luke att dricka? Vad menas med det?

Kapitel 4
1. Varför är det så svårt för Luke att be om och ta emot hjälp?
2. Vad är det Big John vill att Luke ska göra som betalning för att han få bo i kontoret?

Kapitel 5
1. Varför tycker Luke att han inte kan gå tillbaka till skolan?
2. Varför går Luke till slut hem till Polly?
3. Beskriv Lukes situation i det här kapitlet med ETT ord.
4. Vad är det som gör att Luke faktiskt ringer till polisen?
5. Vad tror du Luke och Gemma tänker/känner när de möts där i dörren?


1. Klicka på Skills
2. Välj Reading skills practice
3. Välj text att jobba med
4. Jobba....

- Gör minst två!

5. Klicka på study break
6. Välj games
7. Välj spel
8. spela....



How to ask questions:






4. .


The Environment

Global Warming

"The Rising Tide"/ "Flodvågen" by Anne Rooney:

  • Samt papperskopia av de första sidorna av den svenska översättningen.

  1. Where does the story take place?
  2. When does the story take place?
  3. Who is Danny and who is Kevin?
  4. How do they meet?
  5. What does the word climref mean? Which two words are put together?

"Global Warming" Tbp. 78-79
"What can you do to help?" Tbp. 80-81


1. What is global warming?
2. What three actions do people that cause climate trouble?
3. Why is deforestation bad for the climate?
4. Why shouldn´t we eat meat?
5. Which one of the ten effects of global warming do you think is the worst? Why?
6. What could you do to help? What would be easiest for you to accomplish?

Make a multiple choice test about Global Warminig. ( on paper)

1.       rise
2.       Due to
På grund av
3.       Fossil fuels
Fossila bränslen
4.       Carbon dioxide
5.       deforestation
6.       oxygene
7.       Greenhouse effect
8.       cause
Skapa, vålla
9.       soil
10.   flooding
11.   extinct
Utrotad, utdöd
12.   glacier
13.   drought
14.   bulb
15.   charger
16.   grain
Spannmål, säd
17.   Tap water
18.   recycle
19.   damage
20.   waste

Civil Rights
Writing a film Review
"The Help"

* Introduction: Thoughts about the film. Put the film in a context (sammanhang). Why did we watch    it?

* What is the film  about?(about 5 sentences)

* When does the story take Place

* Describe the main characters. (Skeeter, Hilly, Abileen, Minny etc )

* If you had to choose, which character would you be, and why?

* How is this movie connected with the information about Martin Luther king Jr?

* What differences and similarities in racism are there between the movie and today’s Sweden?

* Did you learn anything by watching the movie? What?

* What scene/episode did touched you the most? Describe the scene and why you got touched by it.                     

* What is your opinion of the film? Would you recommend it? If you do or don’t, why? Do you think the film is important? Why/why not?

Demonstration and Debate:

" You are really upset about something and have now the opportunity do do something about it. Because you are a big fan of Gandhi, Martin Luther, Nelson Mandela and the non- violence method overall, you decide to organize a demonstration and a debate. You have to make a poster with your best Catch Words and,  prepare and realize a debate.

Examples of topics:

Environment, war, terrorism, politics, animals rights, racism, drugs, pornography, ideal of beauty, prejudcises, injustices...............


Oral Presentation:

 You are going to talk about one of these in a Group of four:
  1. Rosa Parks (Maher, Wurod, Hannah, Bianca, Patrik)
  2. The Black Panters (Ebba, Alex, Mirza, Elias, Cindy)
  3. The Ku Klux Klan (Erik, Axel, Bismillah, Agnes, Noah) 
  4. Malcom X ( Emily, Linnea, Byron, Jonathan, Stina)
Make a mind map or very short notes. Talking time: 2-3 minutes


Homework for Thursday the 26th of March:

1. Words in the square below, ( make sure that you can use them in sentences and speech)

2. Martin Luther King;

  • Who was Martin Luther King jr? 
  • Where did he live?
  • When did he live?
  • What did he fight for?
  • How did he fight?
  • Why do you think it is important to know about him?
  • (text on paper and/or
    Imponera på
    Närvara, gå på
    Om inte
    Civil rights
    Medborgerliga rättigheter
    Sopor, skräp

    Homework for Thursday the 19th of March:

    25 Words from yellow Squares in textbook p. 140-143( Let My People Go)


    Rosa Parks


    Homework for Thursday the 26th of February:

    *Watch the video and make the quiz

    Homework for Thursday the 5/2:

    * Watch the video and make the quiz
    The United States of America
    Homework for Thursday the 29th:
    • At least 15 questions on the content on page 124-129 in textbook
    • Figure out what you would like to see and do if you had to go to the Usa.


    In Time
    • What feeling does the movie leave you with?
    • Does this movie somehow remind you of something youv'e seen, heard, read or experienced?
    • When do you think youth is over? When are you old? How long do you want to live?
    • Why are their lifetime clock programmed to start counting at the age of 25?
    • Who has decided all of this?
    • Do they live in a dictatorship?
    • Do you think that the "time rich" are bored? How come?
    • Are there any differences having time instead of money as currency? What is the point?
    • "Your mind can be spend even if your body is not."- What does that mean?
    • "Survival of the fittest" How do we say it in Swedish?
    • Have you got answers for all your questions? Are all loose ends tied?
    • Who is in charge of time?
    • What about the different timezones?
    • What about his father? It was said he was  giving hope. Why was that dangerous and to whom?
    • Do you really come from time? What do they mean by that?
    • What do you think will happen when all this time is around?
    • Will there or should be  a sequel/follow on?


    Time for me is stress and closer to death.

    Time is like a map or language that the whole world needs and reads. …. I suppose we kind of made time up in a way. Sure, living, such as ageing and growing have been since start, but animals and trees don’t use watches or calendears, nor do they celebrate New Years Eve.

    For me it is important to be on time.

    The time to me is one of the most important things because it depends on the time what it´s  going to happened in the future or what have happened in the past. We can´t buy Time with money  because it´s like you’re buying the future when you can´t and the future is the time.  I always plan my week because it´s easier to know what you are going to do so you don´t have too much stress. When I am with my friends I feel that the times flies very quickly or when am sleeping. When the alarm sounds I always turn it off just to sleep 10 minutes more but when I wake up again I see that I have been sleeping in 1 hour. 

    The time is seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years. Most of my time i do my homework and study a lot and it´s when the time goes slowly I feel that 5 minutes is 1 hour. The past is not so important to me because it´s something that have happened but sometime it can be something important like someone that you love have died and of course you will remember that person or how the person died. Time is also forget and forgiveness because with the time you forget something or someone and in some cases you forgive them to or it depends in what situation you are in. With the time you are getting older and getting closer to the death, but right now we are in the present and we have to have fun and spend time with the people that we really love. 

    I have never thought about what time is or if it exist. I have just thought that you not should waste your time, because you’ll never no what’s going to happened. I often think that you should always tell your friends and family how much you love them. Because the death clock has it’s own time.  I think you should live your life before times flying by. If you have a chance to spend much time on anything you should. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.  Like Dr. David Lewis Anderson sad in fact, time is often thought of as a river that  flows in one direction and slows for no one, always sweeping everything and everyone along whit it. 

    Time for me is very important. Time for me is money

    because I get closer to my

    goal and closer to death to. Time going every time

    and you can’t stop it and you

    going be old and die finally. I want to use the tim

    e I have and get better life for

    me and my family. I use my to learn my time for the

    god tings ex do my

    homework, practice, school, friends and my family.

    I use time for have fun.

    Time is very important for me because I need to go to the school and don’t come late so time is a very good and I think it have to exist. I usually don’t care about the time so much and I don’t stress so much. I just care about time when im in the school so I don’t get late for the classes and things like that. 

    I think also that time is bad because it stress much people and it’s not good for the health to be stress.

    Something I think is very interesting with time is that sometimes it feels like it goes very fast and sometimes it feels very slow. Time goes much faster when you are having fun and a good time but it is the opposite when you don’t have a good time, when you are bored or doing a homework. 

    I usually spend my time with friends or training or just being with my family. Seven days a week a spend my time in school I start 8:00 am and usually going home round 14:30 pm. ….

    I don’t think so much at the future because I have a good life right now but if I get a bad life maybe I think more to the future.

    I think time is everything and everywhere. It´s your daily schedule, the past, present, future and the only constant thing. Sometimes time is money too.

    When you little you just want to grow up so fast. And you don´t care about the time you just live in the present. When you get a little older at least I really miss when all you had to think about was what color of the lego I wanted to play with. It feels likes it was yesterday I was standing on Fagrabäcks schoolyard and looked at my new classmates. And now i´m in the eighth grade. The expression “the times flies by” is certainly true, usually.

    But the time  don’t flies by when you are waiting for something, when you are at the dentist and when you are flying. My list can be long, but the worst thing is absolutely when you are sick. When you are cold and warm at the same time, it feels like your head is going to explode and you have such a pain in your throat. You are just lying there in your bed and hoping that another hour has passed by.

    But at the same time, time is nothing. It’s literally just something that someone’s came up with. I think that it’s just something  “imaginary” that everyone follows because it helps to make our life’s easier. If we didn’t have time it would’ve been very hard to make any kinds of schedule or plans. If you was  to meet at a café with a friend but didn’t keep track of time you guys would never be able to be at the café at the same time. And imagine what school would look like if we didn’t have a schedule? 

     You always get closer to death. Always. When it is your birthday you are getting older and older. You grow up and creating a new family. You stress, you have fun and much more with your family. And the time really does that.

     Time just goes forward and does not returned so you only have this life and maybe not going to returned to a human.

    You can´t take pictures of the future, you can only take pictures of the past.

    For me is time something that you can’t touch or feel. Time can be both precious and worthless. For an example when you have a lot of time to have a fun time or when you don’t have to stress. Time can also be a bad thing when you are in a hurry to get to school or the airport. I think that time is precious when I can just take it easy in the morning and don’t have hurry to school. And for me time can be worthless when I have to get fast to one place to another. Either way we need time so that we can keep track of things in our lives.   

    Homework for friday the 16th:

    1.Do you know anybody who never arrives on time?
     2.What do you like doing in your free time?
     3.What gadgets help you save time?

     4.Do you ever waste time?

    5.Have you ever had too much time on your hands?

     6.Do you think that time is money?

     7.Do you think time heals all wounds?

    8.Is your daily life a race against time or do you have enough time to do everything?

    9.When was the last time you had a really good time?

    10.Do you agree that time flies when you’re having fun?   

    • at 9.30in the morning
      in May
      in the summer
      in 1918
      on Monday
      on June 6
      in the 18th Century= på 1700-talet. (se wbp. 165) 


    “Time is very slow for those who wait;
    very fast for those who are scared;
    very long for those who lament;
    very short for those who celebrate; but for those who love, time is eternal.”
    - William Shakespeare

    The Time Of Our Lives.

    The time of the universe spin out so fast,
    Like the whirlwind.
    Humans of the universe slow it down,
    To experience it at our own paces.
    Even passing slowly,
    Time moves on so quickly,
    It's moments are fleeting.

           We pull back time and savor it in our memories,
           It throws us the present we certainly miss while holding back.
           Time will have it's way,
           'Cause it's unafraid of moving on alone.

    No longer do I nurse and brood over the past.
    I let it go,
    So that I may lift up my arms with thrill,
    And spin along with time.
    Hopefully those and that from the past I cherish,
    Spin along with me,
    And have the time of our lives!

    Time Moves Too Fast

    Time moves way too fast
    Just yesterday it felt like it was my first kiss
    But that was a week ago
    Just last week felt like water going over my head from diving
    But that was a few months ago
    Just last month felt like my baby brother was born
    But that was seven years ago
    Just last year feels like the first time I saw my cat; Henry
    But that was eleven years ago
    Just last week feels like the fight in which I almost died
    But that was three years ago
    Just last night feels like the Funeral
    But that was three years ago
    Just an hour ago it felt like the school year started
    But that was four months ago
    Why does time move so fast?
    Why does time ebb and flow?
    I can’t remember the last time
    that I took a second to realize all thats happened
    Too much has happened
    And I’m scared
    Death is coming
    Every second I get closer
    What will happen when I’m gone?
    Will anyone mourn?
    Will they even care?
    I don’t think so
    I think they would just look the other way
    When I’m gone, I don’t think they will notice
    So would it be easier if I just said goodbye, now?
    Time moves way too damn fast
    I wish it would slow the hell down so I can catch up

    The Dreamers
    by D.I.A

    We dive through
    Depthless shadows
    Distant lands
    Into seconds.
    There is no motion

    Eternity travels backwards
    Reaching out
    For the dying light
    Tears burn
    Falling like steaming crystals
    Pools of silence
    Infinity is a blur

    Each day ends too soon
    Everything changes
    Sleep remains
    The drowning of time.
    We reach out
    Pleading to an existential being
    Drifting through abstract
    Frost blooms
    From a single kiss

    Paradise remains subjective
    Twisted thorns
    Upon a plain of gold
    Frost blooms
    From a single kiss
    Reaching out
    For the dying light
    Tears burn
    The death of sensation...
    There is no motion
    There is no sound
    Infinity is a blur.
    Searching for the time lost...
    Drifting through abstract
    Our dreams are realities...

    Happy New Year

    One year comes
    As another goes
    We celebrate
    But what is the point?

    Dates hold no meaning
    Even time itself
    Constructs of a fragile mind
    Flailing to make sense of infinity

    Life marches onward
    We scurry like rodents
    Make vows we don't intend to keep
    Death stalks closer still

    Like lovers
    Turned strangers
    One year goes
    As another comes

    by RMS

    Watching the clock, time passes slow
    Second hand skips, so far to go
    Patience wears thin hearing tick-tock
    Time passes slow, watching the clock

    Around clock face minute hand crawls
    Restlessly glance at the walls
    Deliberate, a slow snail pace
    Minute hand crawls around clock face

    Minutes make hours, without delay
    Staring at what dials display
    Our life ordered by such powers
    Without delay, minutes make hours

    Life slips on by while you observe
    Catches unaware, hits a nerve
    Leisurely time, somehow, did fly
    While you observe, life slips on by

    Step 1(expressions/homework)
    1. What do you Think the short film is about?
    2. What do you Think you will hear and see in the Movie?
    3. How does the Picture relate to the short film?
    4. Why is the short film called "On Time"?
    Step 3(talking after Movie)
    Were your assumtions right somehow?
    Did you like the film?Why? Why not?
    How did it make you feel?
    Does the film have a message? Which one?


    5/12 ”The Snowbaby” and ”The Snowman”


    1.       Write shortly what the text is about and also what the movie is about.
    2.       Compare the movie and the text;
    a.       Similarities
    b.      Differences ¨
    3. Do the movie or the novel remind you of anything you have seen, read or experienced? What? How?
    4.       Which one do you prefer? Why?
    5.       Thoughts and reflections, own discussions




    1. Read the text in pairs(tbp 134-135)
    2. Write the words somewhere(homework for friday the 5th)
    3. Write a text about christmas. Include the answeers to the questions on wbp 116 ex 18, in your text. If you don´t celebrate christmas you can choose from:
    a. Write a summary of the text (tbp 134-135)
    b. Write about a holiday in your own religion/culture.
    5. Find a Christmas caroll/song.
    a. Write a new verse.
    b. Translatea at least one verse and one refrain.
    c. Make a wordlist.

    One of the Lads:

    Homework for Friday the 14th:

    1. Obvious- uppenbar
    2. Remark- kommentar
    3. Sacred- helig
    4. Firm- säker, hård, bestämd
    5. Determined- beslutsam, bestämd
    6. Knowledge- kunskap
    7. Admit- erkänna
    8. Interrupt- avbryta
    9. Insult- förolämpa
    10. According to- enligt
    11. Battle- strid
    12. Thoughtful- tankfull
    13. Remaining- återstående
    14. Countryside- landsbygd
    15. Autumn- höst
    16. Approach- närma sig
    17. Hesitate- tveka
    18. Statement- påstående
    19. Glance- kasta en blick
    20. Gesture- gest

    • Why do you think football is the world’s most popular sport?
    • Why does football attract hooligans?
    • Is there anything else that joins the world in celebration like the football World Cup?
    • In 30 seconds, can you explain what football is?
    • Do you think women’s football is as exciting as men’s?
    • “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death…I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.” What do you think of the thoughts of this famous football manager?
    • How can football authorities change the rules to make the game more exciting?
    • What do you know about the history of football? 
    Do you think football is a sport and an art?
    Do you think professional footballers get paid too much?
    What do you like and dislike about football?
    Do you think the bosses of American sports like baseball and American football are jealous of the worldwide popularity of football?
    Where is the world’s best football played?
    What do you understand by the term ‘football widow’?
    Is there a better feeling in life than to score the winning goal for your country in football’s World Cup final?
    Is it a problem that so few goals are scored in football?
    Do you think football will be different 50 or 100 years from now?


    Football as a religion?
    Novel:  Something about group pressure,  “ In the exact moment I scored I knew that I would never play football again”…..
    News article: about football violence(made-up)…..
    Match report: An actual game you watch or a made-up one
    Debate article: Football violence, the money in the game, ladies´vs men’s football, fixed matches
    Factual text: The history of Football, a team, a player…

    "The thick mists laid on the football pitch like a heavy blanket, and only an eagle’s eyes could see through it. The rain poured down and hit the gravel so hard that it bounced of it and went a foot up in the air before it crashed down to the ground again, forming large pools of water across the flat pitch. The morning that the forecasters so promising had said would be a nice one wasn’t. It was awful, Aaron thought as he stood there, with his wet bag full of shoes and clothes, cursing the weather. In the middle of his rambling he realized that words were not going to stop the rain - and it would definitely not break the mist. The football match had to be cancelled. 
    The bell rang as clear and loud as ever when Aaron hurried over the schoolyard, dragging his backpack in the pools of rain. As he entered through the door the first sight he saw was Rickman the teacher, a long, stale and strict man with enough hair that if he wondered through the woods alone he could easily be mistaken as Bigfoot, and that’s what the students called him. “It seems like Mr. Followill forgot we started twenty.. (he glanced at the ticking clock).. seven minutes ago”, he turned away from Aaron and went back to the blackboard, “I have to confess, I was afraid you would never beat your record at one hour, but if you keep on trying you might as well.” Rickman said, with his usual drawling voice and his familiar sarcastic tone. “Sit!” Rickman said. Aaron sat himself.
    The numbers on the blackboard and the texts in the books were a hard thing to understand. He had never tried nor had he cared to, the only thing he ever thought about was football. 22 players, two teams and one ball, those were the only numbers Aaron cared about. The class – as one person – giggled whenever Aaron were given the word or had to explain something in front of the class because they knew they were up for a good laugh. But on the field.. On the field things went a different way. Aaron could take the whole class on in football and win – with an impressive difference in goals. The dates of wars and revolutions and the periodic table and equations didn’t matter, everything that mattered was the ball, the goal and players when he stepped up to the field. "

    Homework for Friday the 7th of October:

    1. scared- rädd
    2. lad- pojke, grabb
    3. spot- upptäcka
    4. target- måltavla/mål
    5. victim- offer
    6. equal- jämlike
    7. narrow- trång
    8. recent- nyligen
    9. former- tidigare
    10. violence- vål/våldsamheter
    11. in charge- i ledning/ den som bestämmer
    12. cheer- hurra
    13. imagine- föreställa sig
    14. crowd- publik/folksamling
    15. reverse- omvänd/motsatt
    16. previous- föregående
    17. anticipate- förutse
    18. bother- göra sig besvär
    19. realise- inse
    20. remain- fortsätta vara
    21. qualifications- kvalifikationer/kompetens/utbildning
    22. options- alternativ
    23. pine- furu/tall
    24. penalty shot- straffspark


    Homework for Friday the 24th of October:
    Finish and email the review to me;


    The Blind Side-

    The reader does not know about these questions or the movie…Write as a whole text!!!!

    1.     Why should anyone see this movie? /Why did you watch the movie?
    2.     What was the movie about? (just a couple of sentences)
    3.     Describe the main characters.( Mike, mrs and mr Tuohy, Collins, SJ and Mike´s birth mother)
    4.     What feeling does this movie give you? Why?
    5.     Which is your favourite scene? Describe the scene and why it´s your favourite one.
    6.     In what aspects has this movie anything to do with health and living a good life? Describe as carefully as possible.
    7.     Do you like or dislike the movie. Motivate your answer as carefully as possible.
    8.     Do you think the film is important? Why? Why not?

    The Blind Side 


    In English class we have watched a movie called The Blind Side. 
We watched it because you learn a lot of English by watching movies with English language and subtitles. You get to learn a lot of new words and expressions.

    The movie is about a boy called Big Mike (Michael Oher), he’s homeless and has lived a very bad and unsafe live. 
One day Mr and Ms Touhy finds Michael walking around late at night in the rain and they invite him to their home. He gets to stay with the Family who consists of Leigh Ann Touhy, Sean Touhy and their two children Collins and S.J.

    The Thouy family is rich but still very humble and nice. Leigh Anne is a very good mom who cares a lot about her family, so does the dad Sean Thouy. Collins is about 16 years old and she’s really pretty, she’s a great student and she’s also good at playing volleyball. SJ is around 10 years old but he acts very mature and he’s very interested in football.

    Soon Mike becomes a part of the family and Leigh Ann and the rest helps Mike to get a good education and give him the opportunity to play football.


I really enjoyed this movie because it’s entertaining but very meaningful and beautiful at the same time.
It makes me both happy and sad because Mike has lived a very tragic life but when he meets the Touhy family he gets to live a happy and healthy life. They support and help him with everything from school work to self confidence. 
When Michael used to live with his birth mother he lived a very unstable life because his mom had a lot of problems with drugs and alcohol, there for he had to take care of himself and he never had any support from family. 
I think that a caring and supporting family is the most important thing to have if you want to live a happy and healthy life. If you have this you always feel a lot more safe and happy because you know that you will always have something to lean back on. A few people who will always love you no matter what.

    My favorite scene is the one where Ms Thouy steps out on the football field and tells Michael how to play. She tells him that he has to think about the team like it’s his own family and protect them like they really are. 
When she has told him this Michael plays football amazing and the coach and the rest of the players all get really surprised and impressed that Leigh Annes words helped.

I like it so much because it shows how much Leigh Anne cares about Mike and also how much he cares about the family. Because he always protects them when they’re scared or in danger and now he does the same with his team.
I also think It’s really cool that Leigh Anne is such a powerful woman who dares to step on the field and take over the practice to tell Mike what to do.

    I think that everyone should watch this movie because it makes you look at life in a different way for a little while. 
It makes you understand how tough life a lot of people have and also how much family really means.

I think that this movie is important because it shows that it you should give everyone a chance and don’t judge them for their background.
You will probably look at the society different after watching this movie and you realize that it’s important to always help each other out.

I give this movie 10/10 because it’s so meaningful and great, I think that everyone should watch it! 



    1. Work with your wordlist for about 15 minutes. Use wbp 170 or etc.
    2. Group discussions with the questions you have prepared at home. Be ready to tell the class something that you talked about. 
    3. Your topic...
    A. What do you want to know? Write all questions that pops up.
    B. Search for answers. Write the answers as keywords or in a mindmap. Show Ulrika.
    C. Write as a complete text, with an interesting introduction and a good ending.(closure)
    D. Email the text to Ulrika;
    4. The Blind Side, 40 minutes left...


    Homework for Friday the 11th of October:

    1. Read the text "Skin" in the textbook on page 48-50
    2. Make a wordlist with 15 words from the pages
    3. Prepare at least 3 questions, connected to the text, to discuss in class.
    4. Decide one topic from the text  that you want to know more about.





    Read and look at the clip.
    What you think about energy drinks? Write down  your arguments.
    Did you learn something  new? What?
    Make a wordlist with maximum 30 words, only in English.

    Pojken i randig pyjamas-
    • Skriv en sammanfattning där du berättar vad boken handlar om och där du presenterar de viktigaste personerna i boken och vad du får veta om dem. Berätta också om när boken utspelar sig och vad som händer med Bruno och varför det händer?  Sammanfattningen ska vara cirka 150-200 ord.
    • Berätta vad du tycker om författarens sätt att berätta den här historien och varför du tror att han väljer att berätta den just så. 
    • Vad tror du tror att han vill säga med boken?
    • Berätta för mig vilka tankar du fick av att läsa den här boken. Har den lärt dig något? Kan du dra paralleller till något annat du läst, sett eller hört talas om - berätta!
    • Skulle du kunna rekommendera någon annan att läsa Pojken i randig pyjamas? Varför/varför inte?



    Språkets uppkomst:

    Kort svensk språkhistoria:

    Värsta språket:


    Sofia Nordin

    " En sekund i taget"

    1. Om du hamnar i Hedvigs situation, vilka saker skulle du ta med dig från ditt hem?
    2. Vad är det som gör Hedvig till en överlevare?
    3. Finns det någon historisk händelse, film, bok eller något du själv upplevt som på något sätt på minner om det i boken? Vad? Hur?
    4. "Så jag började om. Jag gjorde ett nytt liv och låtsades inte om det gamla. Det låter kanske fegt, men det fanns inte många alternativ. Jag kunde ha blivit vansinnig, eller jag kunde ha låtit mig dö."

    "Det händer nu"

    1. Hur/ när förstår Stella att hon är kär i Sigrid?
    2. Vem är Stella? Som person? I kompisgänget?
    3.  Jag vet inte vad jag ska säga. Att han är underbart vacker och intelligent? Jag vet inte ens om det är sant. Om han var med i en film skulle han typ spela den roliga, lite knäppa killen som är kompis med den snygga huvudpersonen. Och smart är han väl. Han kan inte allt om atomer eller så, men han tänker liksom snabbt och får mig att skratta hela tiden. Funkar det att skriva så om en kille också?

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